2023 Wrap-Up
Hi, hello!
I’ve been so busy that I have had little time to update my newsletter this year. That’s going to change starting in January. Ahead of the new year, I want to tell you how this newsletter started, what I’ll be using it for in 2024 and beyond and bring you up to speed on some of the fun stuff I’ve been working on over the last few months.
Newsletter: Past, Present, and Future
Episodic Content started as a promotional tool ahead of Long Live Mortal Kombat’s Kickstarter in March 2022. My goal was to publish free chapters from the book that became Kool Stuff, a collection of bonus interviews anyone can read for free as a sort of teaser to LLMK. I published all chapters except the last one, an extensive oral history of the on-and-off-again HD remake of Mortal Kombat Trilogy, to the newsletter. Since then, it’s mostly sat dormant.
That’s going to change in 2024. My first post, scheduled for early January, will be my yearly “Chronicles of Craddock” update, where I go over everything I worked on in the previous year, and tease what I’m cooking for the year ahead. January is a big month for me: It will mark my 20th year as a full-time writer. I’ve got lots of announcements to share, and have already shared a few, which I’ll go over in another section.
Starting next month, my goal is to write a newsletter every time I have something to share, but only once a month unless something is time sensitive, such as a crowdfunding campaign. I value your time as much as I value mine, so I promise not to drop message in your inboxes unless I have exciting news to impart.
Bottom line: If you haven’t subscribed to Episodic Content by now, do that! You won’t want to miss all the movie, game, and book news coming up.
Recent Content
Here’s a quick summary of recent happenings.
Doom 30th anniversary interview with John Romero and John Carmack: I was honored when these guys asked me to moderate an hour-long discussion looking back on Doom’s development and more stories from the early years of id Software. We could have talked for another two or three hours!
Book announcement: But Does It Run Doom? I announced “BDIRD” near the end of the Doom interview stream. Due for publication by Boss Fight Books in 2024, the book dives into ports of Doom for various platforms—some conventional, such as Super NES and PlayStation; others much more unconventional. We’re talking pregnancy tests, potatoes, Twitter, and more. This will be a fun read! Boss Fight Books and I will have more to share in the spring/summer.
Shacknews Awards: Besides writing long reads (free books) for Shacknews, I join the staff at the end of every year to spend 20+ hours talking about the year’s best games and our awards. A video of our discussion accompanies every award article, and the articles began rolling out yesterday. Check out this page every day for more award announcements and videos.
Wrapping Up
If you’ve read my work at any point over the past 20 years, thank you for your support! If you’re a new subscriber, thank you for your support! If you couldn’t tell, I’m thankful to all of you for any support you can show. I’m excited about my plans for 2024 and look forward to sharing more after the new year.
Happy reading and playing,